Tips For Hosting A Kids Murder Mystery Game

9 December 2021
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

Has your child wanted to have some friends over for a murder mystery game? If so, it will help to follow these tips to ensure that it is fun for everyone involved. 

Know How Many People Will Attend

The first thing you'll want to do is figure out how many people will attend the murder mystery game. This is because there are various types of games you can purchase online, and they all have different size limits for how many people can play and the minimum amount of players. Get your guest list in order so that you can start the game selection process.

Narrow Down The Game Choices

Pick a couple different games out that meet the criteria for the number of players, and consider the difficulty of the game. If the kids are fairly young, then they may want an easier game that they'll have success in solving on their own. Present your narrowed-down choices to your child so that they can pick the theme that interests them the most. 

Assign The Characters

When it comes to assigning characters, know that there are going to be primary and additional characters. The primary characters are the ones that are essential to the game and can potentially be the murderer or the victim. The additional characters don't have as big of a role in the game. If you are letting kids pick, make sure that they pick from the primary characters first so that all the important roles are filled. You may also want the kids who are not as social or outgoing to be one of the additional characters to keep the game moving.

In addition, you may want to assign one of the adults to play so that they can be the murder victim of the night. This will help keep younger kids happy so that they can all play out the murder mystery game by trying to figure out who did it, rather than play the ghost of the victim.

Create Nametags

It will help if you create name tags for everyone that has their character names. It is easy to forget not only who all the characters are, but who is playing each character. You'll find that the name tags make it much easier for the kids to follow along. 

With these tips in mind, you'll be sure to throw a successful murder mystery party where everyone has fun. For more information, contact a company that provides murder mystery party games for kids.
