Tips For Holding A Birthday Party At A Sporting Event

1 September 2020
 Categories: Recreation & Sports, Blog

If you're planning a birthday party for a child who loves sports, one option to consider is attending a live sporting event with the children. While there will likely be some kids who've attended live sporting events in this past, this pastime may be new to others — which will help to make the party highly memorable. Consider your child's favorite sports, which sports are in season at the time, and the distance to some local sporting venues. Doing so will help you to find the perfect choice for your group. Here are some tips for holding a birthday party at a sporting event.

Recruit Some Parents

It can be a challenge for you and your spouse to take a group of children to a live sporting event on your own. Keeping an eye on the kids while still allowing them to experience all that the stadium has to offer can be a handful, so don't hesitate to get some help from some other parents. Asking a few other parents to serve as chaperones will make the party easier for you. Additionally, the children may be able to experience more of the sights around the stadium because there are extra adults who can accompany them.

Order The Food Yourself

When it comes to stadium food, there will likely be a number of appealing options to consider. It makes more sense for you to order all of the food and then carry it back to your seats than have the children look for their own food options. In the latter scenario, some children may be unsure of what they want to eat, while others might want to visit a concession stand that is far away from where you're sitting. While you'll want to check for allergy information with each child's parents, few children will shy away from a hot dog, some popcorn, and a serving of ice cream, for example.

Buy Souvenirs Instead Of Conventional Loot Bags

At children's birthday parties, it's common for the host parents to provide a loot bag of small gifts for each child who attends. Conventionally, you might visit your local dollar store to buy a few toys and treats. When you're attending a live sporting event, skip the typical loot bag and, instead, buy an item for each child at the stadium shop. For example, if you're attending a baseball game, buy a baseball for each child that depicts the team's logo. The children will not only be able to play with their balls after the game, but they may also be able to get players' autographs on them before the game.

Look to see what sporting events are going on at local venues like Lincoln Saltdogs Baseball.
